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Banjar Hot Springs

13.5 km from Mumbul

The Banjar Hot Springs, or ‘Air Panas Banjar’, in Indonesian, are located approximately 5km southwest from the famous Lovina coast in North Bali.

The hot water springs share the same district as the Brahmavihara Arama Buddhist monastery which is located only 1.5km to the east.

The centuries-old hot springs have been upgraded with modern facilities over time, and have become a favourite retreat and recreational site among locals and international visitors.

The hot springs are great for a relaxing bath and are set in lush tropical gardens. You can also get a massage at the hot springs. There is a restaurant on the second floor with a range of local and western dishes. It is a great place to spend a relaxing morning or afternoon.



Jl. Raja Ida Made Rai, Banjar, Buleleng – Bali


Telephone: +62-362-92901

©Mumbul Guesthouse